Self-Care in the Christmas Season

Self-Care in the Christmas Season

We are all rushing about trying to get things done, preparing for the big day, going to parties and trying to finish up all our work tasks before we go on leave.  Generally trying to fit more into our 24 hours than we would usually do.

It is important to ensure that in all the mayhem we take time out to take stock of where we are at.  Enjoying Christmas does not occur so readily if we are stressed out about having everything done on time and in such a way.

Self-care during this time can be a little tricky.  For some people it will literally be about taking some time to breath deeply, before launching into the next activity or connection / catch up.

Self-care means something different to everyone.  For some it is sitting in the sun, reading a great book, for others it may be the social scene, being out there with lots of people and having a good time.  It may mean taking time to find the right outfit (shopping for yourself therapy) or applying body moisturiser as part of your daily routine to help yourself feel good.  What we each need is different. 

Remember that in all of us there is the need for quiet time and the need for social time.  Having a good balance of all that life demands from us, particularly at Christmas, is crucial to getting through the most stressful parts of the Christmas season, whether you follow the beliefs or just the holiday / time off work.

If you do feel that you are getting stressed at any time, deep breathing can assist greatly in just bringing you back into the moment and allowing you to focus on what is happening right now, rather than spending your energy and time concerned about what will happen in the future, immediate future or a couple of days from now.  This process allows for you to plan effectively and enjoy the moment more.

Remember to rest during this time, to fully restore yourself so that you can blossom in the New Year.


I hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas / holiday time and wish you all the best for the New Year.

Yours sincerely

The team at Blossom ‘n’ Bloom


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