Blossom 'n' Bloom has a story that begins a while ago.

Many years ago a family member purchased a farm with the intention of planting Lavender for distillation into the essential oil.  As they discussed this with me, we agreed that I would look into what items could be made using the essential oil as there were already so many suppliers of Lavender essential oil.

And so, the investigation into bath & body products began.

I began making soaps, the old fashioned way, with oil, water & lye.  When I started presenting the family member with my test products, they mentioned that my grandmother used to make her own soaps.

Years later after selling soaps and many other products successfully, this family member arrived with a manilla folder of information that had been located of Grandmas recipes.  Most were food related, but there is one that was a soap base, that we assumed she must have used.  It was for a sand soap, for exfoliation.

I set about creating, from this discovery, my Sandalwood Soap, and this has been one of the most popular soaps that we make.

  • Who we are now

    Now we create and share these products with the intention of giving our customers the time to enjoy a few quite moments and a little self care.

    There are rare occasions when products will be out of stock, and this is simply related to supply and demand.

  • Our Purpose

    Our purpose is to provide you with beautiful, lovingly created bath & body products, that allow you to enjoy your personal routines.

    We hope that our products provide you with the opportunity for some "me time", and the ability to switch off for a little while in this world that is just go, go, go.